How can my pet bird forage in the cage?

How can my pet bird forage in the cage?

3 minute read

Pet birds have a natural instinct to chew and destroy better known as foraging. Learn how to provide toys to let them forage in the cage!

Foraging is a natural instinct that birds use everyday in the wild. Birds need to fly and find their food in the world by using their foraging abilities. This is when they chew, break apart, shred and really destroy objects in order to find out (or forage) what’s inside. Foraging also conditions beaks, talons and gives excellent mental stimulation.

Foraging bird toys are a great way to safely provide destructible items in the cage for them to enjoy. Toys made for this purpose have lots of chewable and/or shreddable materials as their purpose is to be shredded apart. To make it even more rewarding to play add pets favorite treats inside of the toys for them to forage! Each bird has their own preferences, likes, dislikes and thrills. This is no different with toys and it may take some experimenting to discover your pets most favorite toy design. With any pet bird its good practice to introduce new toys periodically. This keeps things exciting for them and makes it even more mentally stimulating to explore the new item. Here are (3) of our handmade foraging toys designed specifically to be chewed and shredded!

1106 Sola Shred Tower

1106 Sola Shred Tower

$19.99 $24.99

The 1106 Sola Shred Tower from M&M Bird Toys is a hanging array of chewable, foraging and shreddable items to thrill beaked buddies. This deluxe toy has tons of materials to destroy. At the top of the bird toy a… read more

The 1106 Sola Shred Tower is a deluxe foraging aviary toy for medium size pets. This toy has a quick link connector included on top that dangles a sturdy metal wire. This wire backbone passes through the center of the toys parts keeping them in place. From top to bottom are a natural wooden bead, shreddy crinkle paper, a natural sola ball, a colorful wood slat, a stuffed vine ball, another wood slat, another sola ball, a bundle of crinkle paper and finally a metal bell! The slats on this toy have holes drilled on their sides that dangle natural jute twine lengths. These are adorned with beak satisfying wood pieces.

1080 Foraging Shred Spoon

1080 Foraging Shred Spoon

$9.99 $13.99

The 1080 Foraging Shred Spoon from M&M Bird Toys is a handmade shreddy hanging aviary toy. This toy has lots of shreddable parts to thrill beaks. At the top of the toy there is a quick link connector for fast… read more

The 1080 Foraging Shred Spoon is a chewable blast for medium size pets. This toy includes a quick link connector on top that dangles a sturdy metal ring. This hangs a natural pine wood spoon thats adorned with pet pleasing parts. On the neck of the spoon there are (6) mini cardboard donuts with a stuffed natural vine ball in-between. The spoon bowl has a hole through the center with a sturdy metal wire that holds cardboard shreddies and colorful bamboo finger trap lengths.

1085 Small Bagel Biter Shred Ball

1085 Small Bagel Biter Shred Ball

$8.99 $12.99

The 1085 Small Bagel Biter Shred Ball from M&M Bird Toys is an adorably fun to shred small sized handmade toy. This enticing toy is excellent for small birds. At the top of the bird toy is an included quick… read more

The 1085 Small Bagel Biter Shred Ball is a joy for small size pets. This toy has a quick link hanging connector on top with a short length of link chain dangling down. This hangs a sturdy metal wire that works as a backbone for the toy body. The body consists of a natural wooden bead, cardboard shreddies, a stuffed natural vine ball, more cardboard shreds and another wooden bead. A small loop on the bottom dangles a plastic ring thats adorned with small cardboard donuts.

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