How To Set Up the Perfect Pet-Sitting Experience When Traveling

How To Set Up the Perfect Pet-Sitting Experience When Traveling

3 minute read

How To Set Up the Perfect Pet-Sitting Experience When Traveling

Traveling can be stressful for both pet owners and their feathered (or furry) companions. While it’s tempting to take your bird or other pet on a trip with you, it’s not always feasible, nor is it in their best interest.

Choosing the right pet sitter is crucial to ensure your pet receives the care, love, and attention they need while you’re away. Finding the proper pet-sitting individual well before traveling is highly recommended. Below, we discuss how to find and set up a sitter in your home when traveling. Let’s get started!

Eclectus with owner

Experienced bird-sitters provide the best care for avian pets while traveling.

Reducing Stress for Your Pet

Leaving your bird with a trusted sitter can ease a lot of stress for both of you. By choosing someone who is experienced and knowledgeable about birds, you can rest assured they will provide all the necessary care and affection to keep your bird happy and healthy.

Make sure your sitter knows your bird’s preferences, routines, and any special needs they may have. Doing so will help create a sense of normalcy for your feathered family member while you’re away. Getting regular meals and having company can also help any type of pet feel at ease.

We all know how tough it can be to find a good bird sitter, so the earlier you start looking, the better. Start by asking friends and family members for recommendations, then move on to reputable websites that feature vetted candidates  .

Budgie Skateboard

Radical dude!

Bird-Specific Items To Leave

Birds require special items to feel comfortable and secure in their living environment. Along with food and water, leave enough toys and perches for your bird — go with hard toys that are safe for them to chew on. Here are a few ideas:

Keep in mind that not all birds enjoy the same type of toys, so you’ll need to observe your bird’s preferences and personality to determine which ones they like best. 

Lorikeet on boot

My favorite toy! 🦜

Other Items To Leave

If you have another type of animal, make sure the sitter has enough supplies to care for them . Extra food, cleaning supplies, toys, comfortable bedding, and the necessary medication cover the essentials.

It’s also important to leave your feathered companion with something that smells like you, such as a T-shirt or blanket. This may help them feel calmer and more at ease with your absence.

Leave your sitter with a list of emergency contacts , such as your veterinarian's phone number, so they’re prepared in the event of an injury or illness. And be sure to explain your pet’s daily routine, including feeding and playtime schedules.

quaker on shoulder


It can be challenging to leave your beloved pet, but with careful preparation and the help of a trusted sitter, you can ensure they receive the care they deserve and reduce stress while you’re on your trip. Remember to choose someone who is knowledgeable about your pet’s needs and is equipped with the necessary supplies. Then, you can rest easy knowing that your feathered or furry friend is in the best hands possible!

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