The Bird Blog: The Budgerigar or Parakeet

The Bird Blog: The Budgerigar or Parakeet

3 minute read

The Budgerigar (Melopsittacus Undulates) is one of the most popular pet bird breeds in the world. This delightfully colorful small size parrot was first seen and kept in Europe in the 1840s. Also commonly known as a Parakeet in the USA, this small bird is easy to tame, breed and truly love!

The Light-Green Budgerigar (normal-colored)

The Light-Green Budgerigar (normal-colored)

These little parrots are able to mimic sounds including human voices and are quite intelligent. Budgies are more than smart enough to know how they are being treated and like all pets, should be handled with love, care and patience. As budgies are easy to raise and thoroughly enjoy interacting with people, with kindness and gentleness, in a short time a new pet can be right at home in any household.

The Spangled Dark-Green Budgerigar

The Spangled Dark-Green Budgerigar

Budgies typically live up-to (8) years in the wild. In captivity with the benefits of a safe living space, consistent quality nutritious food and lots of love from their flock mates (the owners) budgies have been known to live unto (25) years or more! To tell the sex of a budgie during the breeding season the male will have a blue cere and the female will have a brown cere. The cere is the fleshy piece right on top of the beak where the nostrils are.

The Lutino Budgerigar

The Lutino Budgerigar

Compared to other parrots budgies are surprisingly hardy but like all birds care should be taken to avoid drafts and chills. Budgies will breed regularly in commercially available nesting boxes with their typical breeding seasons beginning in the spring time. To avoid having extra budgies un-expectedly pop-up its recommended to read about their breeding activities if a pair or more is in the flock.

The Pied, Yellow-Masked, Blue Budgerigar

The Pied, Yellow-Masked, Blue Budgerigar

Here’s an easy to check table with budgie safe food and treats. Lettuce is only recommended in the smallest amounts as it can cause loose droppings and have little to no nutritional value. The beak treats and essential nutrition items are recommended to be given in small amounts. A bit of grit is important for all birds as it assists with digestion. Calcium is also an essential nutrient thats commonly provided with a cuttlebone piece. These are shells from the cuttle fish, are completely natural and easy to install in any cage.

Vegetables Fruits For Essential Nutrition Beak Treats
Endives Strawberries Hard-Boiled Egg & Cottage Cheese Mix Millet Spray
Chickweed Apples Small Amount of Grit Wheat Germ
Parsely Oranges Cuttlebone or other item with Calcium Oats
Watercress Tangerines Small Sunflower-Seed Kernels
Spinach Grapes
Young Dandelions Pears
Groundsel Tomatoes
Aubergines Kiwi Fruits
Green Peas Mangoes
Carrots Apricots
Cooked Beets Pineapples
Sweet Potatoes
Curly Kale

❤️ Budgie Love ❤️

❤️ Budgie Love ❤️

Works Cited: Vriends, Matthew M., and Tanya M. Heming-Vriends. The Handbook of Cage and Aviary Birds. Magnet & Steel, 2014.

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