The Bird Blog: The Senegal Parrot

The Bird Blog: The Senegal Parrot

3 minute read

The Senegal Parrot (Poicephalus Senegalus) is a popular companion bird that’s less labor intensive to care for than other parrots, has a wonderful loving and a unique feather coloring. These parrots have dark grey feathers around the face, green feathers that wrap around the back of the neck and down the front of the chest with shades of orange underneath. These birds can learn to speak a handful of words and they do enjoy whistling tunes but are not as chatty or noisy as other talking breeds. The Senegal Parrot is an active, loving bird that forms deep bonds with their owners and make superb pets.

A wonderful, loving Parrot.

This parrot is easier to care for than other more attention needy breeds but they also do require a certain amount of knowledge and experience to raise properly in a domesticated setting. Senegals do need to be given proper guidance and guidelines when being raised as without it these birds are known to become strong-willed and nippy. Senegals also can become overly attached to their owner resulting in aggressive behavior towards others in the house. With this said none of these traits are particularly unique to the Senegal, and with diligent, caring owners most of the troublesome behavior can be quelled as much as can be.

These parrots require plenty of chewable toys!

What is unique to this bird is its very powerful beak which it adores using to chew apart wood, thin aviary bars, furniture and more! Picking a cage with thick bars (16 gauge is great) and proper bar spacing will prevent the bars from being snipped. If purchasing a cage for a Senegal, be sure to speak directly with the cage retailer so as to ask them what they recommend. A knowledgable retailer will know how powerful a Senegals beak is and will be able to recommend the best cage with the proper bar spacing. As with all pet birds an ample supply of toys will be needed including plenty of chewable wood foot toys, shreddy toys and foraging toys.

Sunflower seeds are delicious treat but should be the smallest part of a Senegals diet.

Senegals will need a good commercial seed mixture that includes fruit kernels, nuts, fruits, veggies and extruded pellets or nuggets as they’re known. These birds will crack open the kernels and eating the pip inside. Senegals do need calcium, vitamin D3, phosphor and a vitamin supplement throughout the year.

Nuts & Berries Fruits & Vegetables Essential Nutrition
Assorted Fruit Kernals Apples Cuttlebone or other Calcium Source
Walnuts Wild Plums Vitamin D3
Pecan Nuts Melon Phosphor
Hazelnuts Figs Year Round Vitamin Supplement
Palm Nuts
In-Shell Peanuts
Hawthorn Berries
Extruded Pellets or Nuggets

Works Cited: 

Vriends, Matthew M., and Tanya M. Heming-Vriends. The Handbook of Cage and Aviary Birds. Magnet & Steel, 2014.

Gallerstein, Gary A., and Julie R. Mancini. The Complete Pet Bird Owner's Handbook. Howell Book House, 2003.

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